I used to like this guy. a lot. This was back in November/December but he had just gotten out of a heavy relationship so I definitely played it cool and didn't push anything. I would consult a mutual friend of ours for advice on him. She'd let me know what was up. Life took a couple turns and nothing happened. 100% ok. I realized this type of guy isn't the guy for me; un-ambitious, dabbled in drugs more than he should, painfully charming, painfully slutty, etc..
She and I still talk and work together. She's going through a divorce and I got the details on it yesterday. Apparently the marriage had been over for some time now. They had both been having affairs. So of course I'm like 'whaaaat? who? I had no idea!'
It was him.
She pleaded 'don't be mad! I feel so bad! I know I used to give you advice on him and this came completely out of nowhere.'
I go,
'I'm not mad, it's ok. I do have a boyfriend. But it does feel weird. So, it's just sex? you know how he is. At the end of the day he's always been a player no matter how nice of a guy he is'.
she says
'yeah of course, he's not fooling anyone if he tries to do that with me'
I go
'ok, because just last week he was texting me to hang out. be careful'
SO, of course I had to work the entire shift with a mix of emotions going through my head.
Now, part of me doesn't think its just sex. She's going through a divorce so this is a serious rebound and we all know how emotions run deep with those things as much as the parties deny it.
I'm not mad but its weird. After much thought I think I felt weird because I've never A. had a friend go after I guy I liked or B. sleep with the same guy as me, thats just weird. feels dirty but I guess I'm not the one getting dirty.
Anyhow, I think the fact that she was the consulting person makes it shady.
But who knows, maybe its exactly what she says, it just happened.
I did ask a friend of mine her opinion and she said 'hey, she's picking up the scraps, sloppy seconds.'
I'm just not the type of person that would sleep with a guy my friend has slept with.
And if a friend of mine wanted to, I'd be ok if they were in love and really pursuing a relationship out of it. Not just sex, there are a million people in the world to sleep with.
Oh well.
It is what it is.
and I'm happy with my own situation.